@ 8818c9dd1c7b
Branch filter:
Location: rattail-project/rattail/setup.cfg
7.7 KiB
Overhaul the tox config
per lessons learned in wuttjamaican
also remove old reference to init.d scripts in manifest
per lessons learned in wuttjamaican
also remove old reference to init.d scripts in manifest
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 | # -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
upload_dir = docs/_build/html
name = rattail
version = attr: rattail.__version__
author = Lance Edgar
author_email =
url =
license = GNU GPL v3
description = Retail Software Framework
long_description = file: README.rst
classifiers =
Development Status :: 4 - Beta
Environment :: Console
Environment :: Web Environment
Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)
Environment :: X11 Applications
Intended Audience :: Developers
License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
Natural Language :: English
Operating System :: OS Independent
Programming Language :: Python
Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Topic :: Office/Business
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
install_requires =
# TODO: revisit this, comment seems dubious
# Hardcode ``pytz`` minimum since apparently it isn't (any longer?) enough
# to simply require the library.
pyinotify ; sys_platform != 'win32'
tests_require = rattail[db,tests]
test_suite = tests
packages = find:
include_package_data = True
zip_safe = False
include = rattail*
# until we support PY3K we must stick with older flufl.bounce
bouncer = flufl.bounce<3.0
db = alembic>=0.7.0; beaker; passlib; SQLAlchemy>=1.4,<1.5; SQLAlchemy-Continuum
memcached = pylibmc
supervisor = supervisor
docs = Sphinx; sphinx-paramlinks
tests = coverage; mock; nose; pytest; pytest-cov
console_scripts =
rattail = rattail.commands:main
rattail-dev =
trainwreck = rattail.trainwreck.commands:main
gui_scripts =
rattailw = rattail.commands:main
rattail.commands =
auto-receive = rattail.commands.batch:AutoReceiveBatch
backup = rattail.commands.backup:Backup
bouncer = rattail.commands.core:EmailBouncer
checkdb = rattail.commands.core:CheckDatabase
cleanup = rattail.commands.cleanup:Cleanup
clonedb = rattail.commands.core:CloneDatabase
datasync = rattail.commands.datasync:DataSync
date-organize = rattail.commands.core:DateOrganize
execute-batch = rattail.commands.batch:ExecuteBatch
export-csv = rattail.commands.importing:ExportCSV
export-rattail = rattail.commands.importing:ExportRattail
filemon = rattail.commands.core:FileMonitorCommand
import-csv = rattail.commands.importing:ImportCSV
import-ifps = rattail.commands.importing:ImportIFPS
import-rattail = rattail.commands.importing:ImportRattail
import-sample = rattail.commands.importing:ImportSampleData
import-versions = rattail.commands.importing:ImportVersions
mailmon = rattail.commands.core:MailMonitorCommand
make-appdir = rattail.commands.core:MakeAppDir
make-batch = rattail.commands.batch:MakeBatch
make-config = rattail.commands.core:MakeConfig
make-project = rattail.commands.projects:MakeProject
make-user = rattail.commands.core:MakeUser
make-uuid = rattail.commands.core:MakeUUID
mysql-chars = rattail.commands.mysql:MysqlChars
overnight = rattail.commands.luigi:Overnight
populate-batch = rattail.commands.batch:PopulateBatch
problems = rattail.commands.problems:Problems
purge-batches = rattail.commands.batch:PurgeBatches
purge-versions = rattail.commands.importing:PurgeVersions
refresh-batch = rattail.commands.batch:RefreshBatch
run-n-mail = rattail.commands.core:RunAndMail
runsql = rattail.commands.core:RunSQL
postfix-summary = rattail.commands.postfix:PostfixSummary
setting-get = rattail.commands.settings:SettingGet
setting-put = rattail.commands.settings:SettingPut
telemetry = rattail.commands.telemetry:Telemetry
update-costs = rattail.commands.products:UpdateCosts
upgrade = rattail.commands.core:Upgrade
version-check = rattail.commands.importing:VersionCheck
rattail_dev.commands =
new-batch =
rattail.config.extensions =
rattail.db = rattail.db:ConfigExtension
rattail.trainwreck = rattail.trainwreck.config:TrainwreckConfig
rattail.emails =
rattail = rattail.emails
rattail.features =
new-report = rattail.features.newreport:NewReportFeature
new-table = rattail.features.newtable:NewTableFeature
rattail.importing =
to_csv.from_rattail.export = rattail.importing.exporters:FromRattailToCSV
to_rattail.from_csv.import = rattail.importing.csv:FromCSVToRattail
to_rattail.from_ifps.import = rattail.importing.ifps:FromIFPSToRattail
to_rattail.from_rattail.export = rattail.importing.rattail:FromRattailToRattailExport
to_rattail.from_rattail.import = rattail.importing.rattail:FromRattailToRattailImport
to_rattail.from_versions.import = rattail.importing.versions:FromRattailToRattailVersions
to_trainwreck.from_trainwreck.export = rattail.trainwreck.importing.trainwreck:FromTrainwreckToTrainwreckExport
to_trainwreck.from_trainwreck.import = rattail.trainwreck.importing.trainwreck:FromTrainwreckToTrainwreckImport
rattail.projects =
byjove = rattail.projects.byjove:ByjoveProjectGenerator
fabric = rattail.projects.fabric:FabricProjectGenerator
rattail = rattail.projects.rattail:RattailProjectGenerator
rattail_integration = rattail.projects.rattail_integration:RattailIntegrationProjectGenerator
rattail_shopfoo = rattail.projects.rattail_shopfoo:RattailShopfooProjectGenerator
tailbone_integration = rattail.projects.tailbone_integration:TailboneIntegrationProjectGenerator
tailbone_shopfoo = rattail.projects.tailbone_shopfoo:TailboneShopfooProjectGenerator
rattail.reports =
customer_mailing = rattail.reporting.customer_mailing:CustomerMailing
rattail.sil.column_providers =
rattail = rattail.sil.columns:provide_columns
rattail.vendors.catalogs.parsers =
rattail.contrib.generic = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.generic:GenericCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.dutchvalley = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.dutchvalley:DutchValleyCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.equalexchange = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.equalexchange:EqualExchangeCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.kehe = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.kehe:KeheCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.lotuslight = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.lotuslight:LotusLightCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.unfi = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.unfi:UNFICatalogParser
rattail.contrib.unfi.2 = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.unfi:UNFICatalogParser2
rattail.contrib.unfi.tsv = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.unfi:UNFITabSeparatedCatalogParser
rattail.vendors.invoices.parsers =
rattail.contrib.alberts = rattail.contrib.vendors.invoices.alberts:AlbertsInvoiceParser
rattail.contrib.kehe = rattail.contrib.vendors.invoices.kehe:KeheInvoiceParser
rattail.contrib.unfi = rattail.contrib.vendors.invoices.unfi:UnfiInvoiceParser
trainwreck.commands =
export-trainwreck = rattail.trainwreck.commands:ExportTrainwreck
import-self = rattail.trainwreck.commands:ImportSelf
import-trainwreck = rattail.trainwreck.commands:ImportTrainwreck