Files @ 4305d0a2b491
Branch filter:

Location: rattail-project/rattail/tox.ini

Add `get_contact_notes()` method for custorder batch handler

not sure if this is quite the right approach, but better than we had
before at least. may need to get certain "notes" independently,
e.g. "customer has invalid phone/email" type flags

envlist = py27, py35

commands =
        pip install --upgrade pip
        pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests]
        nosetests {posargs}

commands =
        pip install --upgrade pip
        pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager 'rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests]' 'sqlalchemy-utils<0.36.7'
        nosetests {posargs}

basepython = python3
deps = invoke
commands =
        pip install --upgrade pip
        pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests] appy luigi xlrd
        nosetests {posargs:--with-coverage --cover-html-dir={envtmpdir}/coverage}

basepython = python3
changedir = docs
commands =
        pip install --upgrade pip
        pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests,docs]
        sphinx-build -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees -W -T . {envtmpdir}/docs