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Location: rattail-project/rattail/rattail/templates/mail/rattail_import_updates.html.mako

Lance Edgar
Add `ImportHandler` class, update `ImportSubcommand` to use it etc.
    <h3>Data Import Warnings (<code>${command}</code>)</h3>
    % if dry_run:
          <em><strong>NOTE:</strong>&nbsp; This was a dry run only; no data was harmed
          in the making of this email.</em>
    % endif
      Generally the periodic data import is expected to be a precaution only, in order
      to detect and fix Rattail data which falls out of sync from the data authority,
      e.g. your POS.&nbsp; It is normally expected that proper real-time operation
      <em>should</em> be enough to keep things in sync; therefore any actual changes
      which occur as part of the import process are considered "warnings".
      The following is a list of changes which occurred during the latest
      import run.&nbsp; Please investigate at your convenience.
      % for model, (created, updated, deleted) in updates.iteritems():
            <a href="#${model}">${model}</a>
            - ${len(created)} created, ${len(updated)} updated, ${deleted} deleted
      % endfor
    % for model, (created, updated, deleted) in updates.iteritems():
        <h4><a name="${model}">${model}</a></h4>
        % for label, records in (('created', created), ('updated', updated)):
            % if records:
                % if len(records) == 1:
                    <p>1 record was <strong>${label}:</strong></p>
                % else:
                    <p>${len(records)} records were <strong>${label}:</strong></p>
                % endif
                  % for record in records:
                  % endfor
            % endif
        % endfor
        % if deleted == 1:
            <p>1 record was <strong>deleted</strong></p>
        % elif deleted:
            <p>${deleted} records were <strong>deleted</strong></p>
        % endif
    % endfor