############################################################ # # generic Rattail config # ############################################################ ############################## # rattail ############################## [rattail] timezone.default = America/Chicago # TODO: you probably should change these to absolute path datadir = app/data batch.files = app/batch workdir = app/work [rattail.config] # include = /etc/rattail/rattail.conf configure_logging = true usedb = true preferdb = true [rattail.db] default.url = postgresql://rattail:rattailpass@localhost/rattail # TODO: enable if you want data versioning # versioning.enabled = true [rattail.mail] send_emails = false smtp.server = localhost templates = rattail:templates/mail default.prefix = [Rattail] default.from = rattail@localhost default.to = root@localhost # default.enabled = false ############################## # alembic ############################## [alembic] # TODO: must set these for your app if you extend the DB schema # script_location = poser.db:alembic # version_locations = poser.db:alembic/versions rattail.db:alembic/versions script_location = rattail.db:alembic version_locations = rattail.db:alembic/versions ############################## # logging ############################## [loggers] keys = root, exc_logger, beaker, txn, sqlalchemy, django_db, flufl_bounce, requests [handlers] keys = file, console, email [formatters] keys = generic, console [logger_root] handlers = file, console level = DEBUG [logger_exc_logger] qualname = exc_logger handlers = email level = ERROR [logger_beaker] qualname = beaker handlers = level = INFO [logger_txn] qualname = txn handlers = level = INFO [logger_sqlalchemy] qualname = sqlalchemy.engine handlers = # handlers = file # level = INFO [logger_django_db] qualname = django.db.backends handlers = level = INFO # level = DEBUG [logger_flufl_bounce] qualname = flufl.bounce handlers = level = WARNING [logger_requests] qualname = requests handlers = # level = WARNING [handler_file] class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler # TODO: you probably should change this to absolute path args = ('app/log/rattail.log', 'a', 1000000, 100, 'utf_8') formatter = generic [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) formatter = console # formatter = generic # level = INFO # level = WARNING [handler_email] class = handlers.SMTPHandler args = ('localhost', 'rattail@localhost', ['root@localhost'], "[Rattail] Logging") formatter = generic level = ERROR [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(funcName)s: %(message)s datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S [formatter_console] format = %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(funcName)s: %(message)s