Changeset - ee2055e1bdf8
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Lance Edgar (lance) - 4 years ago 2021-01-27 08:49:50
Avoid data type bug for customer order batch row refresh
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@@ -38,97 +38,97 @@ class CustomerOrderBatchHandler(BatchHandler):
    Handler for all "customer order" batches, regardless of "mode".  The
    handler must inspect the
    :attr:`~rattail.db.model.batch.custorder.CustomerOrderBatch.mode` attribute
    of each batch it deals with, in order to determine which logic to apply.
    batch_model_class = model.CustomerOrderBatch

    def refresh_row(self, row):
        if not row.product:
            if row.item_entry:
                session = orm.object_session(row)
                # TODO: should do more than just query for uuid here
                product = session.query(model.Product).get(row.item_entry)
                if product:
                    row.product = product
            if not row.product:
                row.status_code = row.STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND

        product = row.product
        row.product_upc = product.upc
        row.product_brand = six.text_type(product.brand or "")
        row.product_description = product.description
        row.product_size = product.size
        row.product_weighed = product.weighed
        row.case_quantity = product.case_size

        department = product.department
        row.department_number = department.number if department else None
        row.department_name = if department else None

        cost = product.cost
        row.product_unit_cost = cost.unit_cost if cost else None

        regprice = product.regular_price
        row.unit_price = regprice.price if regprice else None

        # we need to know if total price is updated
        old_total = row.total_price

        # maybe update total price
        if row.unit_price is None:
            row.total_price = None
        elif not row.unit_price:
            row.total_price = 0
            row.total_price = row.unit_price * row.order_quantity
            if row.order_uom == self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CASE:
                row.total_price *= row.case_quantity
                row.total_price *= (row.case_quantity or 1)

        # update total price for batch too, if it changed
        if row.total_price != old_total:
            batch = row.batch
            batch.total_price = ((batch.total_price or 0)
                                 + (row.total_price or 0)
                                 - (old_total or 0))

        row.status_code = row.STATUS_OK

    def remove_row(self, row):
        batch = row.batch

        if not row.removed:
            row.removed = True

            if row.total_price:
                batch.total_price = (batch.total_price or 0) - row.total_price


    def execute(self, batch, user=None, progress=None, **kwargs):
        Default behavior here will simply create a new (proper) Customer Order
        based on the batch contents.  Override as needed.
        batch_fields = [

        order = model.CustomerOrder()
        order.created_by = user
        order.status_code = self.enum.CUSTORDER_STATUS_ORDERED
        for field in batch_fields:
            setattr(order, field, getattr(batch, field))

        row_fields = [
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