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Lance Edgar (lance) - 3 years ago 2021-10-14 16:47:28
Add `why_not_add_product()` for custorder batch handler

let it declare any reason it likes for preventing the item add
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@@ -449,24 +449,35 @@ class CustomerOrderBatchHandler(BatchHandler):
        return info

    def custom_product_autocomplete(self, session, term, **kwargs):
        For the given term, this should return a (possibly empty) list
        of products which "match" the term.  Each element in the list
        should be a dict with "label" and "value" keys.
        raise NotImplementedError("Please define the "
                                  "{}.custom_product_autocomplete() "

    def why_not_add_product(self, product, batch):
        This method can inspect the given product, and batch, to
        determine if the product may be added to the batch as a new
        row.  Useful to e.g. prevent one customer from ordering too
        many things, etc.

        :returns: If there is a reason not to add the product, should
           return that reason as a string; otherwise ``None``.

    def refresh_row(self, row):
        if not row.product:
            if row.item_entry:
                session = orm.object_session(row)
                # TODO: should do more than just query for uuid here
                product = session.query(model.Product).get(row.item_entry)
                if product:
                    row.product = product
            if not row.product:
                row.status_code = row.STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND

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