Changeset - 50db7437f539
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Lance Edgar (lance) - 3 years ago 2022-03-29 18:17:42
Let cases and/or units be (dis)allowed for new custorder

at least this sets the stage, probably more tweaks needed to fully
support the idea
2 files changed with 48 insertions and 15 deletions:
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@@ -89,24 +89,42 @@ class CustomerOrderBatchHandler(BatchHandler):

    def allow_contact_info_creation(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is allowed to
        enter *new* contact info for the customer.  This setting
        should only be honored if :meth:`allow_contact_info_choice()`
        also returns true.
        return self.config.getbool('rattail.custorders',

    def allow_case_orders(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating whether "case" orders are
        return self.config.getbool('rattail.custorders',

    def allow_unit_orders(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating whether "unit" orders are
        return self.config.getbool('rattail.custorders',

    def allow_unknown_product(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating whether "unknown" products are
        allowed on new orders.
        return self.config.getbool('rattail.custorders',

    def product_price_may_be_questionable(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating whether "any" product's price may
@@ -521,42 +539,51 @@ class CustomerOrderBatchHandler(BatchHandler):
        return info

    def uom_choices_for_row(self, row):
        Return a list of UOM choices for the given batch row.
        if row.product:
            return self.uom_choices_for_product(row.product)

        choices = []

        # Each
        unit_name = self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE[self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH]
        choices.append({'key': self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH,
                        'value': unit_name})
        if self.allow_unit_orders():
            unit_name = self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE[self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH]
            choices.append({'key': self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH,
                            'value': unit_name})

        # Case
        case_text = self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE[self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CASE]
        if case_text:
            choices.append({'key': self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CASE,
                            'value': case_text})
        if self.allow_case_orders():
            case_text = self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE[self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CASE]
            if case_text:
                choices.append({'key': self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CASE,
                                'value': case_text})

        return choices

    def uom_choices_for_product(self, product):
        Return a list of UOM choices for the given product.
        products_handler =
        return products_handler.get_uom_choices(product)
        choices = products_handler.get_uom_choices(product)
        if not self.allow_case_orders():
            choices = [choice for choice in choices
                       if choice['key'] != self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CASE]
        if not self.allow_unit_orders():
            choices = [choice for choice in choices
                       if choice['key'] != self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH]
        return choices

    def why_not_add_product(self, product, batch):
        This method can inspect the given product, and batch, to
        determine if the product may be added to the batch as a new
        row.  Useful to e.g. prevent one customer from ordering too
        many things, etc.

        :returns: If there is a reason not to add the product, should
           return that reason as a string; otherwise ``None``.

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@@ -676,37 +676,43 @@ class ProductsHandler(GenericHandler):
        if 'uom_choices' in fields:
            data['uom_choices'] = self.get_uom_choices(product)

        return data

    def get_uom_choices(self, product=None, **kwargs):
        Return a list of UOM choices for the given product, or if no
        product specified then should return the default choices.
        choices = []

        # TODO: not sure how generically useful this method even is? i
        # think it is only used when making a new custorder so far..

        # TODO: for instance "pound" vs. "each" is really just 2 ways
        # of saying "unit" - and does not consider i18n etc.

        # Each
        if not product or not product.weighed:
            unit_name = self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE[self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH]
            choices.append({'key': self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH,
                            'value': unit_name})

        # Pound
        if not product or product.weighed:
            unit_name = self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE[self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_POUND]
                'key': self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_POUND,
                'value': unit_name,
        # # Pound
        # if not product or product.weighed:
        #     unit_name = self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE[self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_POUND]
        #     choices.append({
        #         'key': self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_POUND,
        #         'value': unit_name,
        #     })

        # Case
        case_text = None
        case_size = None
        if product:
            case_size = self.get_case_size(product)
        if case_size is None:
            case_text = "{} (× ?? {})".format(
        elif case_size > 1:
            case_text = "{} (× {} {})".format(
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