Changeset - 331828e9ced1
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Lance Edgar (lance) - 3 years ago 2021-11-06 20:31:02
Add support for finding past items, for new custorder

also misc. tweaks for new custorder feature
3 files changed with 46 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -98,48 +98,52 @@ class AppHandler(object):

           Note that each key is still a simple string though, and that
           must be "unique" in the sense that only one autocompleter
           can be configured for each key.

        :returns: An :class:`~rattail.autocomplete.base.Autocompleter`
           instance if found, otherwise ``None``.
        spec = self.config.get('rattail', 'autocomplete.{}'.format(key))
        if not spec:
            spec = self.default_autocompleters.get(key)
        if spec:
            return load_object(spec)(self.config)

        raise NotImplementedError("cannot locate autocompleter for key: {}".format(key))

    def get_auth_handler(self, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, 'auth_handler'):
            spec = self.config.get('rattail', 'auth.handler',
            factory = load_object(spec)
            self.auth_handler = factory(self.config, **kwargs)
        return self.auth_handler

    def get_batch_handler(self, key, **kwargs):
        from rattail.batch import get_batch_handler
        return get_batch_handler(self.config, key, **kwargs)

    def get_board_handler(self, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, 'board_handler'):
            from rattail.board import get_board_handler
            self.board_handler = get_board_handler(self.config, **kwargs)
        return self.board_handler

    def get_clientele_handler(self, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, 'clientele_handler'):
            from rattail.clientele import get_clientele_handler
            self.clientele_handler = get_clientele_handler(self.config, **kwargs)
        return self.clientele_handler

    def get_employment_handler(self, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, 'employment_handler'):
            from rattail.employment import get_employment_handler
            self.employment_handler = get_employment_handler(self.config, **kwargs)
        return self.employment_handler

    def get_feature_handler(self, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, 'feature_handler'):
            from rattail.features import FeatureHandler
            self.feature_handler = FeatureHandler(self.config, **kwargs)
        return self.feature_handler

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@@ -14,48 +14,49 @@
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Handler for "customer order" batches

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, division

import re
import decimal

import six
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import orm

from rattail.db import model
from rattail.batch import BatchHandler
from rattail.util import OrderedDict


class CustomerOrderBatchHandler(BatchHandler):
    Handler for all "customer order" batches, regardless of "mode".  The
    handler must inspect the
    :attr:`~rattail.db.model.batch.custorder.CustomerOrderBatch.mode` attribute
    of each batch it deals with, in order to determine which logic to apply.

    .. attribute:: has_custom_product_autocomplete

       If true, this flag indicates that the handler provides custom
       autocomplete logic for use when selecting a product while
       creating a new order.
    batch_model_class = model.CustomerOrderBatch
    has_custom_product_autocomplete = False
    nondigits_pattern = re.compile(r'\D')

    def init_batch(self, batch, progress=None, **kwargs):
        Assign the "local" store to the batch, if applicable.
        session =
@@ -389,84 +390,114 @@ class CustomerOrderBatchHandler(BatchHandler):
                info['email_address'] = email.address

        if batch.person:
            info['person_uuid'] = batch.person.uuid
            if not info['phone_number']:
                phone = batch.person.first_phone()
                if phone:
                    info['phone_number'] = phone.number
                email = batch.person.first_email()
                if email:
                    info['email_address'] = email.address

        return info

    def custom_product_autocomplete(self, session, term, **kwargs):
        For the given term, this should return a (possibly empty) list
        of products which "match" the term.  Each element in the list
        should be a dict with "label" and "value" keys.
        raise NotImplementedError("Please define the "
                                  "{}.custom_product_autocomplete() "

    def get_past_orders(self, batch, **kwargs):
        Retrieve a list of past orders for the batch contact.
        session =
        model = self.model
        orders = session.query(model.CustomerOrder)

        contact = self.get_contact(batch)
        if isinstance(contact, model.Customer):
            orders = orders.filter(model.CustomerOrder.customer == contact)
            orders = orders.filter(model.CustomerOrder.person == contact)

        orders = orders.order_by(model.CustomerOrder.created.desc())
        return orders.all()

    def get_past_products(self, batch, **kwargs):
        Should return a (possibly empty) list of products which have
        been ordered in the past by the customer who is associated
        with the given batch.
        # TODO: should crawl the rattail order history here
        return []
        session =
        model = self.model
        products = OrderedDict()

        # track down all order items for batch contact
        orders = self.get_past_orders(batch)
        for order in orders:
            for item in order.items:
                product = item.product
                if product:
                    # we only want the first match for each product
                    products.setdefault(product.uuid, product)

        return list(products.values())

    def get_product_info(self, batch, product, **kwargs):
        Return a data dict containing misc. info pertaining to the
        given product, for the order batch.
        products =
        vendor = product.cost.vendor if product.cost else None
        info = {
            'uuid': product.uuid,
            'upc': six.text_type(product.upc),
            'upc_pretty': product.upc.pretty(),
            'brand_name': if product.brand else None,
            'description': product.description,
            'size': product.size,
            'full_description': product.full_description,
            'unit_price_display': products.render_price(product.regular_price),
            'department_name': if product.department else None,
            'vendor_name': if vendor else None,
            'url': products.get_url(product),
            'image_url': products.get_image_url(product),
            'uom_choices': self.uom_choices_for_product(product),

        case_price = None
        if product.regular_price and product.regular_price is not None:
            case_size = self.get_case_size_for_product(product)
            case_price = case_size * product.regular_price.price
            case_price = (case_size or 1) * product.regular_price.price
            case_price = case_price.quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.01'))
        info['case_price'] = six.text_type(case_price) if case_price is not None else None
        info['case_price_display'] =

        key = self.config.product_key()
        if key == 'upc':
            info['key'] = info['upc_pretty']
            info['key'] = getattr(product, key, info['upc_pretty'])

        return info

    def uom_choices_for_product(self, product):
        Return a list of UOM choices for the given product.
        choices = []

        # Each
        if not product or not product.weighed:
            unit_name = self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE[self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH]
            choices.append({'key': self.enum.UNIT_OF_MEASURE_EACH,
                            'value': unit_name})

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@@ -159,48 +159,56 @@ class ProductsHandler(GenericHandler):
        if not only or 'scancode' in only:
            product = get_product_by_scancode(session, value)
            if product:
                products.append(('scancode', product))

        # maybe look for 'altcode' match
        if not only or 'altcode' in only:
            product = get_product_by_code(session, value)
            if product:
                products.append(('altcode', product))

        # maybe look for 'sku' match
        if not only or 'sku' in only:
            product = get_product_by_vendor_code(session, value,
            if product:
                products.append(('sku', product))

        # maybe strip keys out of the result
        if not include_keys:
            products = [tup[1] for tup in products]

        return products

    def get_url(self, product, **kwargs):
        Return the Tailbone "view" URL for the given product.
        base_url = self.config.base_url()
        if base_url:
            return '{}/products/{}'.format(base_url, product.uuid)

    def get_image_url(self, product=None, upc=None, **kwargs):
        Return the preferred image URL for the given UPC or product.
        base_url = self.config.base_url()

        # we prefer the "image on file" if available
        if base_url and product and product.image:
            return '{}/products/{}/image'.format(base_url, product.uuid)

        # and if this product is a pack item, then we prefer the unit
        # item image as fallback, if available
        if base_url and product and product.is_pack_item():
            unit = product.unit
            if unit and unit.image:
                return '{}/products/{}/image'.format(base_url, unit.uuid)

        # fallback to the POD image, if available and so configured
        if self.config.getbool('tailbone', 'products.show_pod_image',
            if product and not upc:
                upc = product.upc
            if upc:
                return self.get_pod_image_url(upc)
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