Changeset - 2f408c18736e
[Not reviewed]
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Lance Edgar - 6 years ago 2019-03-08 14:33:01
Add `ProductVolatile` model, for "volatile" product attributes

at least that's the idea...hopefully this table "wins the war" for this concept
5 files changed with 100 insertions and 1 deletions:
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new file 100644
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
"""add product_volatile

Revision ID: 5b393c108673
Revises: 6118198dc4db
Create Date: 2019-03-08 13:14:11.645892


from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '5b393c108673'
down_revision = '6118198dc4db'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
import rattail.db.types



def upgrade():

    # product_volatile
                    sa.Column('uuid', sa.String(length=32), nullable=False),
                    sa.Column('product_uuid', sa.String(length=32), nullable=False),
                    sa.Column('true_cost', sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=5), nullable=True),
                    sa.Column('true_margin', sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=5), nullable=True),
                    sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['product_uuid'], ['product.uuid'], name='product_volatile_fk_product'),


def downgrade():

    # product_volatile
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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2017 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Rattail data models

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from .core import Base, ModelBase, uuid_column, getset_factory, GPCType, Setting, Change, Note
from .contact import PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, MailingAddress

from .people import Person, PersonPhoneNumber, PersonEmailAddress, PersonMailingAddress, PersonNote
from .users import Role, Permission, User, UserRole, UserEvent
from .stores import Store, StorePhoneNumber, StoreEmailAddress
from .customers import (Customer, CustomerPhoneNumber, CustomerEmailAddress, CustomerMailingAddress,
                        CustomerGroup, CustomerGroupAssignment, CustomerPerson, CustomerNote)
from .members import Member, MemberPhoneNumber, MemberEmailAddress, MemberMailingAddress

from .org import Department, Subdepartment, Category, Family, ReportCode, DepositLink
from .employees import (Employee, EmployeePhoneNumber, EmployeeEmailAddress,
                        EmployeeStore, EmployeeDepartment, EmployeeHistory)
from .shifts import ScheduledShift, WorkedShift

from .vendors import Vendor, VendorPhoneNumber, VendorEmailAddress, VendorContact
from .products import (Brand, Tax, Product, ProductImage, ProductCode,
                       ProductCost, ProductFutureCost, ProductPrice,
                       ProductInventory, ProductStoreInfo, InventoryAdjustmentReason)
                       ProductInventory, ProductStoreInfo, ProductVolatile,
from .purchase import (PurchaseBase, PurchaseItemBase, PurchaseCreditBase,
                       Purchase, PurchaseItem, PurchaseCredit)

from .custorders import CustomerOrder, CustomerOrderItem, CustomerOrderItemEvent

from .messages import Message, MessageRecipient

from .datasync import DataSyncChange
from .labels import LabelProfile
from .bouncer import EmailAttempt, EmailBounce
from .tempmon import TempmonClient, TempmonProbe, TempmonReading
from .upgrades import Upgrade, UpgradeRequirement

from .exports import ExportMixin
from .reports import ReportOutput
from .batch import BatchMixin, BaseFileBatchMixin, FileBatchMixin, BatchRowMixin, ProductBatchRowMixin
from .batch.dynamic import DynamicBatchMixin, ImporterBatch
from .batch.handheld import HandheldBatch, HandheldBatchRow
from .batch.inventory import InventoryBatch, InventoryBatchRow
from .batch.labels import LabelBatch, LabelBatchRow
from .batch.pricing import PricingBatch, PricingBatchRow
from .batch.purchase import PurchaseBatch, PurchaseBatchRow, PurchaseBatchRowClaim, PurchaseBatchCredit
from .batch.vendorcatalog import VendorCatalog, VendorCatalogRow
from .batch.vendorinvoice import VendorInvoice, VendorInvoiceRow
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@@ -800,75 +800,122 @@ class ProductInventory(Base):

    on_hand = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=4), nullable=True, doc="""
    Unit quantity of product which is currently on hand.

    on_order = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=4), nullable=True, doc="""
    Unit quantity of product which is currently on order.


class ProductStoreInfo(Base):
    General store-specific info for a product.
    __tablename__ = 'product_store_info'
    __table_args__ = (
        sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['product_uuid'], ['product.uuid'], name='product_store_info_fk_product'),
        sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['store_uuid'], ['store.uuid'], name='product_store_info_fk_store'),

    uuid = uuid_column()

    product_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False)
    product = orm.relationship(
        Product to which this info record pertains.
            List of store-specific info records for the product.

    store_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False)
    store = orm.relationship(
        Store to which this info record pertains.

    recently_active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, doc="""
    Flag indicating the product has seen "recent activity" at the store.  How
    this is populated and/or interpreted is up to custom app logic.


class ProductVolatile(Base):
    This is the place to find "volatile" data for a given product, or at least
    it should be...  As of this writing there are a couple other places to look
    but hopefully this table can eventually be "the" place.

    Whether any given value in a given record, applies to the "current" app
    node only, or if it applies to all nodes, is up to app logic.

    Note that a custom app should (most likely) *not* bother "extending" this
    table, but rather should create a separate table with similar pattern.
    __tablename__ = 'product_volatile'
    __table_args__ = (
        sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['product_uuid'], ['product.uuid'], name='product_volatile_fk_product'),

    uuid = uuid_column()

    product_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False)
    product = orm.relationship(
        Product to which this "volatile" data record pertains.
            cascade='all, delete-orphan',
            "Volatile" data record for the product, if any.

    true_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=5), nullable=True, doc="""
    "True" unit cost for the item, if known.  This might include certain
    "allowances" (discounts) currently in effect etc.; really anything which
    might not be reflected in "official" unit cost for the product.  Usually,
    this value is quite easily calculated and so this field serves as more of
    a cache, for sake of SQL access to the values.

    true_margin = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=5), nullable=True, doc="""
    "True" profit margin for the "regular" unit price vs. the "true" unit cost


class InventoryAdjustmentReason(Base):
    Reasons for adjusting product inventory.
    __tablename__ = 'invadjust_reason'
    __table_args__ = (
        sa.UniqueConstraint('code', name='invadjust_reason_uq_code'),

    uuid = uuid_column()

    code = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=False, doc="""
    Unique code for the reason.

    description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=False, doc="""
    Description for the reason.

    hidden = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, doc="""
    Flag indicating that the reason code should *not* be generally visible for
    selection by the user etc.

    def __str__(self):
        return self.description or ""
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@@ -2197,96 +2197,103 @@ class ProductPriceImporter(ToRattail):
        return data

    def update_object(self, price, data, local_data=None):
        price = super(ProductPriceImporter, self).update_object(price, data, local_data)

        if self.fields_active(self.product_reference_fields):
            if not price.product:
            product = price.product
            assert product
            assert price in product.prices

            if 'product_suggested_price' in self.fields:
                if data['product_suggested_price']:
                    if product.suggested_price is not price:
                        product.suggested_price = price
                    if product.suggested_price is price:
                        product.suggested_price = None

            if 'product_regular_price' in self.fields:
                if data['product_regular_price']:
                    if product.regular_price is not price:
                        product.regular_price = price
                    if product.regular_price is price:
                        product.regular_price = None

            if 'product_current_price' in self.fields:
                if data['product_current_price']:
                    if product.current_price is not price:
                        product.current_price = price
                    if product.current_price is price:
                        product.current_price = None

        return price


class ProductStoreInfoImporter(ToRattail):
    Data importer for :class:`rattail.db.model.ProductStoreInfo`.
    model_class = model.ProductStoreInfo


class ProductVolatileImporter(ToRattail):
    Data importer for :class:`~rattail.db.model.products.ProductVolatile`.
    model_class = model.ProductVolatile


class LabelProfileImporter(ToRattail):
    Importer for LabelProfile data
    model_class = model.LabelProfile

    def cache_query(self):
        query = super(LabelProfileImporter, self).cache_query()

        if not self.config.getbool('rattail', 'labels.sync_all_profiles', default=False):
            # only fetch labels from host which are marked as "sync me"
            query = query .filter(self.model_class.sync_me == True)

        return query


class CustomerOrderImporter(ToRattail):
    Importer for CustomerOrder data
    model_class = model.CustomerOrder


class CustomerOrderItemImporter(ToRattail):
    Importer for CustomerOrderItem data
    model_class = model.CustomerOrderItem


class CustomerOrderItemEventImporter(ToRattail):
    Importer for CustomerOrderItemEvent data
    model_class = model.CustomerOrderItemEvent

    def setup(self):
        super(CustomerOrderItemEventImporter, self).setup()

        self.start_date = self.args.start_date
        if self.start_date:
            midnight = datetime.datetime.combine(self.start_date, datetime.time(0))
            self.start_time = localtime(self.config, midnight)

        self.end_date = self.args.end_date
        if self.end_date:
            midnight = datetime.datetime.combine(self.end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1), datetime.time(0))
            self.end_time = localtime(self.config, midnight)
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@@ -67,96 +67,97 @@ class FromRattailToRattailBase(object):

    def get_importers(self):
        importers = OrderedDict()
        importers['Person'] = PersonImporter
        importers['PersonEmailAddress'] = PersonEmailAddressImporter
        importers['PersonPhoneNumber'] = PersonPhoneNumberImporter
        importers['PersonMailingAddress'] = PersonMailingAddressImporter
        importers['User'] = UserImporter
        importers['AdminUser'] = AdminUserImporter
        importers['Message'] = MessageImporter
        importers['MessageRecipient'] = MessageRecipientImporter
        importers['Store'] = StoreImporter
        importers['StorePhoneNumber'] = StorePhoneNumberImporter
        importers['Employee'] = EmployeeImporter
        importers['EmployeeStore'] = EmployeeStoreImporter
        importers['EmployeeEmailAddress'] = EmployeeEmailAddressImporter
        importers['EmployeePhoneNumber'] = EmployeePhoneNumberImporter
        importers['ScheduledShift'] = ScheduledShiftImporter
        importers['WorkedShift'] = WorkedShiftImporter
        importers['Customer'] = CustomerImporter
        importers['CustomerGroup'] = CustomerGroupImporter
        importers['CustomerGroupAssignment'] = CustomerGroupAssignmentImporter
        importers['CustomerPerson'] = CustomerPersonImporter
        importers['CustomerEmailAddress'] = CustomerEmailAddressImporter
        importers['CustomerPhoneNumber'] = CustomerPhoneNumberImporter
        importers['Member'] = MemberImporter
        importers['MemberEmailAddress'] = MemberEmailAddressImporter
        importers['MemberPhoneNumber'] = MemberPhoneNumberImporter
        importers['Vendor'] = VendorImporter
        importers['VendorEmailAddress'] = VendorEmailAddressImporter
        importers['VendorPhoneNumber'] = VendorPhoneNumberImporter
        importers['VendorContact'] = VendorContactImporter
        importers['Department'] = DepartmentImporter
        importers['EmployeeDepartment'] = EmployeeDepartmentImporter
        importers['Subdepartment'] = SubdepartmentImporter
        importers['Category'] = CategoryImporter
        importers['Family'] = FamilyImporter
        importers['ReportCode'] = ReportCodeImporter
        importers['DepositLink'] = DepositLinkImporter
        importers['Tax'] = TaxImporter
        importers['InventoryAdjustmentReason'] = InventoryAdjustmentReasonImporter
        importers['Brand'] = BrandImporter
        importers['Product'] = ProductImporter
        importers['ProductCode'] = ProductCodeImporter
        importers['ProductCost'] = ProductCostImporter
        importers['ProductPrice'] = ProductPriceImporter
        importers['ProductStoreInfo'] = ProductStoreInfoImporter
        importers['ProductVolatile'] = ProductVolatileImporter
        importers['ProductImage'] = ProductImageImporter
        importers['LabelProfile'] = LabelProfileImporter
        return importers

    def get_default_keys(self):
        keys = self.get_importer_keys()
        if 'AdminUser' in keys:
        if 'ProductImage' in keys:
        return keys


class FromRattailToRattailImport(FromRattailToRattailBase, FromRattailHandler, ToRattailHandler):
    Handler for Rattail (other) -> Rattail (local) data import.
    dbkey = 'host'

    def host_title(self):
        return "{} ({})".format(self.config.app_title(default="Rattail"), self.dbkey)

    def local_title(self):
        return self.config.node_title()

    def make_host_session(self):
        return Session(bind=self.config.rattail_engines[self.dbkey])


class FromRattailToRattailExport(FromRattailToRattailBase, FromRattailHandler, ToRattailHandler):
    Handler for Rattail (local) -> Rattail (other) data export.

    def host_title(self):
        return self.config.node_title()

    def local_title(self):
        return "{} ({})".format(self.config.app_title(default="Rattail"), self.dbkey)

    def make_session(self):
        return Session(bind=self.config.rattail_engines[self.dbkey])


@@ -319,72 +320,75 @@ class DepositLinkImporter(FromRattail, model.DepositLinkImporter):

class TaxImporter(FromRattail, model.TaxImporter):

class InventoryAdjustmentReasonImporter(FromRattail, model.InventoryAdjustmentReasonImporter):

class BrandImporter(FromRattail, model.BrandImporter):

class ProductImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductImporter):

    # TODO...
    def simple_fields(self):
        fields = super(ProductImporter, self).simple_fields
        return fields

    def query(self):
        query = super(ProductImporter, self).query()

        # make sure potential unit items (i.e. rows with NULL unit_uuid) come
        # first, so they will be created before pack items reference them
        # cf.
        # cf.
        query = query.order_by(self.host_model_class.unit_uuid.desc())

        return query


class ProductCodeImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductCodeImporter):

class ProductCostImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductCostImporter):

class ProductPriceImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductPriceImporter):

    def supported_fields(self):
        return super(ProductPriceImporter, self).supported_fields + self.product_reference_fields


class ProductStoreInfoImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductStoreInfoImporter):

class ProductVolatileImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductVolatileImporter):


class ProductImageImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductImageImporter):
    Importer for product images.  Note that this uses the "batch" approach
    because fetching all data up front is not performant when the host/local
    systems are on different machines etc.

    def query(self):
        query = self.host_session.query(self.model_class)\
        return query[self.host_index:self.host_index + self.batch_size]


class LabelProfileImporter(FromRattail, model.LabelProfileImporter):

    def query(self):
        query = super(LabelProfileImporter, self).query()

        if not self.config.getbool('rattail', 'labels.sync_all_profiles', default=False):
            # only fetch labels from host which are marked as "sync me"
            query = query .filter(self.model_class.sync_me == True)

        return query.order_by(self.model_class.ordinal)
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