@ d36fd56e4b91
Branch filter:
Location: rattail-project/rattail/tox.ini - annotation
763 B
Allow datasync to export to rattail but *not* record changes
sometimes the "record changes" feature is desirable in all but 1 case, which is
real-time datasync, when such changes are "one way only" and have no need to
boomerang back to the originating system, and trying to do so can result in
misc. race conditions which are better avoided
sometimes the "record changes" feature is desirable in all but 1 case, which is
real-time datasync, when such changes are "one way only" and have no need to
boomerang back to the originating system, and trying to do so can result in
misc. race conditions which are better avoided
21f6baf8652a 21f6baf8652a 7a4492d6df5f 21f6baf8652a 21f6baf8652a 7b63d9526bf1 3224f2d60712 3224f2d60712 7b63d9526bf1 21f6baf8652a 21f6baf8652a 4b039570fe27 c1ef500d14bb 66094ca6dd81 3224f2d60712 6656eed55623 66094ca6dd81 21f6baf8652a 21f6baf8652a 4b039570fe27 bfd89f087917 bfd89f087917 21f6baf8652a 66094ca6dd81 3224f2d60712 3224f2d60712 66094ca6dd81 |
envlist = py27, py35
commands =
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests]
nosetests {posargs}
basepython = python3
deps = invoke
commands =
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests] appy luigi xlrd
nosetests {posargs:--with-coverage --cover-html-dir={envtmpdir}/coverage}
basepython = python3
deps =
changedir = docs
commands =
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests]
sphinx-build -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees -W -T . {envtmpdir}/docs