@ 7777a6f70fd5
Branch filter:
Location: rattail-project/rattail/tests/ - annotation
737 B
Remove deprecated `RattailConfig.getboolean()` method.
All calling code should be refactored, I believe..
All calling code should be refactored, I believe..
5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 92c03f5d8db0 92c03f5d8db0 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc 5aaf50e5b9bc | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from unittest import TestCase
import lockfile
from fixture import TempIO
from rattail import files
class TestLockingCopy(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.tmp = TempIO()
self.src = self.tmp.mkdir(u'src')
self.dst = self.tmp.mkdir(u'dst')
self.src_file = self.src.putfile(u'somefile', b'')
def test_normal_copy_succeeds(self):
files.locking_copy(self.src_file, self.dst)
dst_file = os.path.join(self.dst, u'somefile')
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.dst, u'somefile.lock')))