@ 37eb1ec56422
Branch filter:
Location: rattail-project/rattail/tox.ini - annotation
750 B
Add feature to generate new features...
at least that's the idea. probably requires a web UI to be useful
at least that's the idea. probably requires a web UI to be useful
21f6baf8652a 21f6baf8652a 7a4492d6df5f 21f6baf8652a 21f6baf8652a 7b63d9526bf1 3224f2d60712 3224f2d60712 7b63d9526bf1 21f6baf8652a 21f6baf8652a 4b039570fe27 c1ef500d14bb 66094ca6dd81 3224f2d60712 6656eed55623 66094ca6dd81 21f6baf8652a 21f6baf8652a 4b039570fe27 21f6baf8652a 66094ca6dd81 3224f2d60712 fd043c4c2fbd 66094ca6dd81 |
envlist = py27, py35
commands =
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests]
nosetests {posargs}
basepython = python3
deps = invoke
commands =
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests] appy luigi xlrd
nosetests {posargs:--with-coverage --cover-html-dir={envtmpdir}/coverage}
basepython = python3
changedir = docs
commands =
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager rattail[auth,bouncer,db,tests,docs]
sphinx-build -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees -W -T . {envtmpdir}/docs