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Lance Edgar - 5 years ago 2019-07-28 14:52:50
Add commands for import/export of data between CORE systems

just a staring point for now, only "operational" data for the most part
4 files changed with 358 insertions and 4 deletions:
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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2019 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
CORE-POS commands

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

import sys

from rattail import commands
from rattail_corepos import __version__
from rattail.util import load_object


def main(*args):
    Primary entry point for Crepes command system
    if args:
        args = list(args)
        args = sys.argv[1:]

    cmd = Command()*args)


class Command(commands.Command):
    Primary command for Crepes (CORE-POS)
    name = 'crepes'
    version = __version__
    description = "Crepes -- command line interface for CORE-POS"
    long_description = ""


class ImportToCore(commands.ImportSubcommand):
    Generic base class for commands which import *to* a CORE DB.
    # subclass must set these!
    handler_key = None
    default_handler_spec = None

    def get_handler_factory(self, **kwargs):
        if self.config:
            spec = self.config.get('rattail.corepos.importing', '{}.handler'.format(self.handler_key),
            # just use default, for sake of cmd line help
            spec = self.default_handler_spec
        return load_object(spec)


class ExportCore(commands.ImportSubcommand):
    Export data to another CORE database
    name = 'export-core'
    description = __doc__.strip()
    default_handler_spec = 'rattail_corepos.corepos.importing.corepos:FromCoreToCoreExport'
    default_dbkey = 'host'

    def get_handler_factory(self, **kwargs):
        if self.config:
            spec = self.config.get('rattail_corepos.exporting', 'corepos.handler',
            # just use default, for sake of cmd line help
            spec = self.default_handler_spec
        return load_object(spec)

    def add_parser_args(self, parser):
        super(ExportCore, self).add_parser_args(parser)
        parser.add_argument('--dbkey', metavar='KEY', default=self.default_dbkey,
                            help="Config key for database engine to be used as the \"target\" "
                            "CORE DB, i.e. where data will be exported.  This key must be "
                            "defined in the [rattail_corepos.db] section of your config file.")

    def get_handler_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
        if 'args' in kwargs:
            kwargs['dbkey'] = kwargs['args'].dbkey
        return kwargs


class ImportCore(ImportToCore):
    Import data from another CORE database
    name = 'import-core'
    description = __doc__.strip()
    handler_key = 'corepos'
    default_handler_spec = 'rattail_corepos.corepos.importing.corepos:FromCoreToCoreImport'
    accepts_dbkey_param = True

    def add_parser_args(self, parser):
        super(ImportCore, self).add_parser_args(parser)
        if self.accepts_dbkey_param:
            parser.add_argument('--dbkey', metavar='KEY', default='host',
                                help="Config key for database engine to be used as the CORE "
                                "\"host\", i.e. the source of the data to be imported.  This key "
                                "must be defined in the [rattail_corepos.db] section of your config file.  "
                                "Defaults to 'host'.")

    def get_handler_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
        if self.accepts_dbkey_param:
            if 'args' in kwargs:
                kwargs['dbkey'] = kwargs['args'].dbkey
        return kwargs
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new file 100644
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2019 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
CORE-POS -> CORE-POS data import

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from rattail.importing.handlers import FromSQLAlchemyHandler, ToSQLAlchemyHandler
from rattail.importing.sqlalchemy import FromSQLAlchemySameToSame
from rattail.util import OrderedDict
from rattail_corepos.db import Session as CoreSession
from rattail_corepos.corepos import importing as corepos_importing


class FromCoreHandler(FromSQLAlchemyHandler):
    Base class for import handlers which use a CORE database as the host / source.
    host_title = "CORE"

    def make_host_session(self):
        return CoreSession()


class ToCoreHandler(ToSQLAlchemyHandler):
    Base class for import handlers which target a CORE database on the local side.
    local_title = "CORE"

    def make_session(self):
        return CoreSession()


class FromCoreToCoreBase(object):
    Common base class for Core -> Core data import/export handlers.

    def get_importers(self):
        importers = OrderedDict()
        importers['Department'] = DepartmentImporter
        importers['Subdepartment'] = SubdepartmentImporter
        importers['Vendor'] = VendorImporter
        importers['VendorContact'] = VendorContactImporter
        importers['Product'] = ProductImporter
        importers['ProductFlag'] = ProductFlagImporter
        importers['Employee'] = EmployeeImporter
        importers['Customer'] = CustomerImporter
        importers['MemberType'] = MemberTypeImporter
        importers['MemberInfo'] = MemberInfoImporter
        importers['HouseCoupon'] = HouseCouponImporter
        return importers


class FromCoreToCoreImport(FromCoreToCoreBase, FromCoreHandler, ToCoreHandler):
    Handler for CORE (other) -> CORE (local) data import.

    .. attribute:: direction

       Value is ``'import'`` - see also
    dbkey = 'host'
    local_title = "CORE (default)"

    def host_title(self):
        return "CORE ({})".format(self.dbkey)

    def make_host_session(self):
        return CoreSession(bind=self.config.corepos_engines[self.dbkey])


class FromCoreToCoreExport(FromCoreToCoreBase, FromCoreHandler, ToCoreHandler):
    Handler for CORE (local) -> CORE (other) data export.

    .. attribute:: direction

       Value is ``'export'`` - see also
    direction = 'export'
    host_title = "CORE (default)"

    def local_title(self):
        return "CORE ({})".format(self.dbkey)

    def make_session(self):
        return CoreSession(bind=self.config.corepos_engines[self.dbkey])


class FromCore(FromSQLAlchemySameToSame):
    Base class for CORE -> CORE data importers.


class DepartmentImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.DepartmentImporter):

class SubdepartmentImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.SubdepartmentImporter):

class VendorImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.VendorImporter):

class VendorContactImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.VendorContactImporter):

class ProductImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.ProductImporter):

class ProductFlagImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.ProductFlagImporter):

class EmployeeImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.EmployeeImporter):

class CustomerImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.CustomerImporter):

class MemberTypeImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.MemberTypeImporter):

class MemberInfoImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.MemberInfoImporter):

class HouseCouponImporter(FromCore, corepos_importing.model.HouseCouponImporter):
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@@ -12,19 +12,79 @@ from corepos.trans.db import model as coretrans


class ToCore(importing.ToSQLAlchemy):
    Base class for all CORE (operational) model importers
    # TODO: should we standardize on the 'id' primary key? (can we even?)
    # key = 'id'


class ToCoreTrans(importing.ToSQLAlchemy):


# CORE Operational

class DepartmentImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.Department
    key = 'number'


class SubdepartmentImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.Subdepartment
    key = 'number'


class VendorImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.Vendor
    key = 'id'


class VendorContactImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.VendorContact
    key = 'vendor_id'


class ProductImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.Product
    key = 'id'


class ProductFlagImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.ProductFlag
    key = 'bit_number'


class EmployeeImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.Employee
    key = 'emp_no'


class CustomerImporter(ToCore):
    CORE-POS customer data importer.
    model_class = corepos.Customer
    key = 'id'


class MemberTypeImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.MemberType
    key = 'id'


class MemberInfoImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.MemberInfo
    key = 'card_no'


class HouseCouponImporter(ToCore):
    model_class = corepos.HouseCoupon
    key = 'coupon_id'


# CORE Transactions

class TransactionDetailImporter(ToCoreTrans):
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@@ -99,6 +99,15 @@ setup(

    entry_points = {

        'console_scripts': [
            'crepes = rattail_corepos.corepos.commands:main',

        'crepes.commands': [
            'export-core = rattail_corepos.corepos.commands:ExportCore',
            'import-core = rattail_corepos.corepos.commands:ImportCore',

        'rattail.config.extensions': [
            'rattail-corepos = rattail_corepos.config:RattailCOREPOSExtension',
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