Changeset - 5a5927dce6e0
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Lance Edgar - 5 years ago 2020-03-27 20:50:36
Add "low-hanging fruit" fields for Catapult inventory export
1 file changed with 154 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from sqlalchemy import orm

from corepos.db.office_op import model as corepos

from rattail.gpc import GPC
from rattail.util import OrderedDict
from rattail.importing.handlers import ToFileHandler
from rattail_corepos.corepos.importing.db.corepos import FromCoreHandler, FromCore
@@ -65,6 +66,48 @@ class InventoryItemImporter(FromCore, catapult_importing.model.InventoryItemImpo
        # 'sugg_retail',
        # 'disc_mult',
        # 'ideal_margin',
        # 'pos_menu_group',
        # 'scale_label',
        # 'weight_profile',
        # 'age_required',
        # 'location',
        # 'family_line',
        # 'alt_id',
        # 'alt_receipt_alias',
        # 'alt_pkg_qty',
        # 'alt_pkg_price',
        # 'auto_discount',
        # 'supplier_unit_id',
        # 'supplier_id',
        # 'unit',
        # 'num_pkgs',
        # 'cs_pk_multiplier',
        # 'dsd',
        # 'pf1',
        # 'pf2',
        # 'pf3',
        # 'pf4',
        # 'pf5',
        # 'pf6',
        # 'pf7',
        # 'pf8',
        # 'memo',
        # 'scale_shelf_life',
        # 'scale_shelf_life_type',
        # 'scale_ingredient_text',

    def query(self):
@@ -86,18 +129,128 @@ class InventoryItemImporter(FromCore, catapult_importing.model.InventoryItemImpo
                      item_id, product.uuid, product)

        is_plu = False
        if len(str(int(item_id))) < 6:
            is_plu = True
            item_id = str(int(item_id))
        else: # must add check digit, and re-format
            upc = GPC(item_id, calc_check_digit='upc')
            item_id = str(upc)
            assert len(item_id) == 14
            # drop leading zero(s)
            if item_id[1] == '0': # UPC-A
                item_id = item_id[2:]
            else: # EAN13
                item_id = item_id[1:]

        department = product.department
        if not department:
            log.warning("item_id %s has no department: %s",
                        item_id, product)

        sold_by_ea_or_lb = None
        if is_plu:
            sold_by_ea_or_lb = 'LB' if product.scale else 'EA'

        # TODO: need to finish the logic to map/calculate tax rates
        tax_1 = 0
        tax_2 = 0

        # # TODO: should let config drive these somehow, obviously
        # tax_rate_ids_1 = (1,)
        # tax_rate_ids_2 = (2,)
        # tax_component_ids_1 = (1,)
        # tax_component_ids_2 = (2,)

        # if product.tax_rate:

        #     if product.tax_rate.components:
        #         for component in product.tax_rate.components:
        #             if tax_component_ids_1 and in tax_component_ids_1:
        #                 tax_1 += component.rate
        #             if tax_component_ids_2 and in tax_component_ids_2:
        #                 tax_2 += component.rate

        #     else: # no components
        #         rate = product.tax_rate
        #         if tax_rate_ids_1 and in tax_rate_ids_1:
        #             tax_1 += rate.rate
        #         if tax_rate_ids_2 and in tax_rate_ids_2:
        #             tax_2 += rate.rate

        return {
            'item_id': item_id,
            'dept_id': department.number,
            'receipt_alias': None, # TODO
            'receipt_alias': product.description,
            'brand': product.brand,
            'item_name': product.description,
            'size': product.size,

            # TODO: does CORE have this?
            # 'sugg_retail': None,

            'last_cost': product.cost,
            'price_divider': product.quantity or 1, # TODO: is this right?
            'base_price': product.normal_price,

            # TODO: does CORE have these?
            # 'disc_mult': None,
            # 'ideal_margin': None,

            'bottle_deposit': product.deposit or None,

            # TODO: does CORE have these?
            # 'pos_menu_group': None,
            # 'scale_label': None,

            'sold_by_ea_or_lb': sold_by_ea_or_lb,
            'quantity_required': 'Y' if product.quantity_enforced else None,

            # TODO: does CORE have this?
            # 'weight_profile': None,

            'tax_1': tax_1 or None, # TODO: logic above is unfinished
            'tax_2': tax_2 or None, # TODO: logic above is unfinished
            'spec_tend_1': 'EBT' if product.foodstamp else None,
            'spec_tend_2': 'WIC' if product.wicable else None,

            # TODO: does CORE have these?
            # 'age_required': None,
            # 'location': None,
            # 'family_line': None,

            # TODO: does CORE have these?
            # 'alt_id': None,
            # 'alt_receipt_alias': None,
            # 'alt_pkg_qty': None,
            # 'alt_pkg_price': None,
            # 'auto_discount': None,

            # TODO: pretty sure CORE has these, but i'm not sure where
            # 'supplier_unit_id': None,
            # 'supplier_id': None,
            # 'unit': None,
            # 'num_pkgs': None,
            # 'cs_pk_multiplier': None,

            # TODO: does CORE have this?
            # 'dsd': None,

            # TODO: are these needed?
            # 'pf1',
            # 'pf2',
            # 'pf3',
            # 'pf4',
            # 'pf5',
            # 'pf6',
            # 'pf7',
            # 'pf8',

            # TODO: does CORE have these?
            # 'memo': None,
            # 'scale_shelf_life',
            # 'scale_shelf_life_type',
            # 'scale_ingredient_text',
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